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Ambr Institute purchases solution from Traq to become the best in ethical data and AI for preventive medicine
Ambr Institute, one of Europe’s most exciting health tech companies, aims to become the doctors' preferred platform for providing preventive medicine and offering patients a plan to avoid or delay potential disease outcomes. The markets in Europe and the US are next, and in this context, Ambr Institute has purchased Traq's solution to improve the management of terms, consents, and data in its AI solution.
"In an AI world where the most well-known players try to gather as much data as possible from you, we want to deliver a solution that provides exactly what you have consented to. Focusing on correct data handling and ethical AI for disease prediction analysis is a competitive advantage—and a great opportunity for us in Norway and Europe. We are very excited to collaborate with Traq and gain access to their technology," says Maria Schüller, Compliance QA Manager for Ambr Institute. Valentin Normand, CEO of Ambr Institute, adds, "This will support our goal of offering the most accurate risk predictions and scaling rapidly in new markets."
Traq offers a solution to support data sharing and automation through correct handling of consents, terms, and authorizations. The solution is based on a set of international standards in the field and was recently highlighted by the EU in a report on the topic before Christmas.
"We are very pleased that AMBR Institute wants to use our solution to achieve their goal of improving disease prevention through more precise analysis," says Per Olav Nyborg, CEO of Traq.
About Ambr Institute
Ambr Institute is a leading Norwegian research organization in preventive medicine, focusing on age-related diseases. The company develops software as a medical device (SaMD) that integrates clinical data and lifestyle data with artificial intelligence.
About Traq
Traq offers centralized software for correct handling of consents, terms, and authorizations. The solution is based on documentation requirements and is built from research and international standards. Traq ensures documentation while businesses can automate their data management.
The Norwegian Psychological Association
Which consents are necessary to obtain in addition to the employee contract? How can the demands for consent management be solved within the enterprise?
After surveying the needs for consents, we’ve developed forms and consent declarations that are not (and can not be) covered by the employee contract. Using Vipps for login, these forms are also pre-filled with the user’s personal data that are available through the Vipps service.
Traq brings dashboard overview to both the administration and the employees, providing insight into who has consented to what purpose.
Form examples includes:
Storing information about next of kin
Using photos and video of employees on the organization web pages
Processing personal data related to social offers and activities for the employees
Sharing personal data with enterprise benefit programs
Publishing the employee’s private phone number
Forward information to external parties regarding an employee’s symptoms, quarantine information etc.
World Bridge Holding
World Bridge Holding (WBH) manages the World Bridge Tour, involving world class bridge players across the world. Consent, and thus consent management, is WBH’s legal basis for processing personal data. The documentation needs to be rock solid across several systems, users and countries. If and when a consent is withdrawn, the following processes (e.g. depublishing, deletion) needs to be easily manageable and – when possible – fully automated. In case a player is being suspended, his/hers corresponding consent(s) must be revoked and the processing of his/hers data must come to an immediate end.
Traq manages the consents, the terms and conditions as well as the player contract for the World Bridge Tour. We are also involved in developing the business platform to ensure that the architecture features privacy by design and default.
EYD has created a platform that helps personal users and companies safely retrieve, secure and enable personal data in compliance with privacy regulation. EYD has been recognised with the global MyData Operator Award 2022, which recognises personal data companies that have shown leadership by empowering individuals to control their personal data. TRAQ delivers their consent management platform as an integrated part of the solution and helps the end user control their consent. Read more about EYD here
With eDialog24 you can manage all your customer inquiries in one place. Imagine that your company has one common inbox for email, chat, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, SMS, telephony and video. Traditional and social channels gathered in a common workspace -simple, clear and efficient. Traq handles consent in a correct manner as an integrated part of the solution from eDialog24. Traq can also collect leads and gather consent easily and support customer service teams.
Compose is a low-code platform for electronic forms, process automation and case management. Traq delivers consent management as a part of their low-code platform, enabling privacy by design and architecture as a natural part of building forms, automation and case handling.
Fauna is a benefit program that makes it easier for the consumer to locate resellers that offers sustainable alternatives. Fauna processes personal data for connecting the consumer with greener organizations.
Traq is the chosen platform for managing the consents throughout the service.
Read more about the case here (Linkedin)